Do you sing in the shower or in your car (it's ok, admit it!) and wish that you could sound even better? Are you preparing for an important audition? Do you want to take your vocal skills to the next level? Or maybe you are just looking to find something to do for yourself that you'll love the rest of your life? I have been a voice teacher for 15 years and work with singers at all levels of experience, from adolescents to adults, from absolute beginners to professionals. I believe that singing is something that everyone should and can do. With this belief in the studio we combine the pure joy of singing with strong technique that enables the singer to sing well in any genre they choose. My students sing in opera houses, in church choirs and in many opportunities of their own making! Currently I am accepting new students to the studio, in-person in Munich or online worldwide. Lessons can be given in English, German or Turkish. Let's face it, - singing is FUN, no matter at what level we sing! Contact me now and let's have some fun uncovering your very best voice,
Angela Fraas-Ahiskal, M.Sc.
"Angela ist eine großartige Lehrerin. Sie hat das Wissen, das Können und die Lehrerfahrung. Dazu kommt noch ihre Fantasie und der Sinn für Humor, die ihr dabei helfen, den Unterricht kreativ und individuell zu gestalten. Sie kann alles wunderbar verbinden: das Spontan-Spielerische und die gut strukturierten Lerninhalte. Gute Laune kriegt man gratis dazu geschenkt. Und ihre tolle Stimme ist die beste Motivation, bei ihr zu lernen!" Angela is a great teacher. She has the knowledge, skills and teaching experience. In addition, there is her imagination and sense of humor, which help her to design the lessons creatively and individually. She can combine everything wonderfully: the spontaneous playfulness and the well-structured learning content. You get a good mood for free. And her great voice is the best motivation to learn from her! ~P.W.
"Angela ist eine hoch erfahrene, sehr professionelle Lehrerin. Sie übt Ihren Beruf mit großer Leidenschaft aus und versteht es, sich in ihre Schüler hinein zu versetzen. Sie hat eine unglaublich tolle Stimme und Präsenz. Es ist ein Privileg von ihr unterrichtet zu werden und macht unheimlich viel Spaß! Ich kann sie jedem nur wärmstens empfehlen! Angela is a highly professional and very experienced teacher. She has got a lot of passion for her profession. She is able to see inside her students to make a special connection to them. She has got an incredible voice and presence! It is a privilege to be her student and also a lot of fun! I highly recommend her!" ~M.V.
"Man merkt sofort das sie ein Vollprofi in Gesang ist, mit Leib und Seele. Sie sucht jeden Millimeter in deiner Technik ab, um eine bessere Stimme aus dir heraus zu kitzeln und das ganze nicht in trockenen Anweisungen, sondern mit lustigen Beispielen. Sehr effizient und macht auch noch Spaß beim lernen." You can tell immediately that she is a full professional in singing, with body and soul. She searches every millimeter in your technique to tickle a better voice out of you and not in dry instructions, but with funny examples. Very efficient and also fun to learn. ~S.H.
"Angela ist eine wunderbare Gesangslehrerin; sie versteht es meisterhaft, mit zielgerichteten Übungen und bildhaften Vergleichen ungeahntes Klangpotential und Volumen aus Deiner Stimme hervorzuzaubern, und das auf eine äußert effiziente und humorvolle Art und Weise. Ich hatte bislang bei jeder Unterrichtstunde einen "Aha"-Effekt! Man fühlt sehr gut aufgehoben und kann auch jederzeit eigene Vorstellungen und Ideen in den Unterricht mit einbringen. Ihre vollkommene Sopranstimme verspricht Gänsehaut pur!" Angela is a wonderful voice teacher; she is a master at using targeted exercises and pictorial comparisons to conjure up unimagined sound potential and volume from your voice, and does so in an extremely efficient and humorous way. I have had an "aha" effect in every lesson so far! You feel very well taken care of and you can also bring your own ideas into the lessons at any time. Her perfect soprano voice promises pure goosebumps! ~A.L.
"Angela Ahıskal, opera kariyerime başlarken kendisiyle karşılaşmış olmak benim için büyük bir şanstı. Hem iyi bir eğitimci hem iyi bir yol gösterici. Hayatına dokunduğu öğrencileri her zaman şanslıydı. İyi ki onunla başlamışım bu yola.." It was a great chance for me to meet Angela Ahıskal when starting my opera career. She is both a good educator and a good guide. The students whom she has touched in her life will always be lucky. Fortunately, I started my journey with her .. ~E.B.