The Magic of Queen – Classic

Kleines Kurhaus Kurallee 17, Bad Füssing

Angela Ahiskal, as special guest,  joins frontman Markus Engelstaedter and his band for a new show -  a unique, musical tribute to one of the greatest rock bands of all time: QUEEN! Rock band and string orchestra form the perfect symbiosis and make this evening a unique music and show experience. In new, brilliant arrangements […]

The Magic of Queen – Classic

König Albert Theater Bad Elster Theaterplatz 1, Bad Elster, Germany

Angela Ahiskal, as special guest,  joins frontman Markus Engelstaedter and his band for a new show -  a unique, musical tribute to one of the greatest rock bands of all time: QUEEN! Rock band and string orchestra form the perfect symbiosis and make this evening a unique music and show experience. In new, brilliant arrangements […]