Navigating the Winds of Change
Storm Ylenia – the travel disruptions, the damage, the loss – was not felt as much here in southern Germany as it was in northern Europe. We had rain for sure, and a relentless wind that felt like it would never stop. And, as is usual for me, into my mind popped a song that somewhere in my subconscious felt like an appropriate addition for the soundtrack of my life. “Winds of Change” has been on repeat in my head these two days, and I thought I’d share something with you. We all experience tumultuous times, issues to resolve, decisions to be made. Sometimes, however, we feel a bit lost in the storm. We cannot see clearly and do not see the path ahead at all, let alone if it is actually the best one for us to take. We cannot see because it is too dark, we cannot hear because the roar of the wind is deafening, perhaps we are even numb from the cold. The thing is, we have more than these ways to navigate. Our most important resource in these situations is our inner compass, and this baby is fully decked out! Not only does it always point due north, it’s got GPS too, and it’s never wrong. We can access our inner compass by remembering our values, what is most important to us. This is the essential element in choosing any way forward. Lean into the winds of change with your values at your back. When the storm finally clears, seeing the north star will affirm that you were headed in the right direction all along.