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Persephone – Orpheus, Monteverdi/Gluck/Offenbach
Pasinger Fabrik August-Exter-Str. 1, Munich, GermanyPersephone – Orpheus, Monteverdi/Gluck/Offenbach
Pasinger Fabrik August-Exter-Str. 1, Munich, GermanyPersephone – Orpheus, Monteverdi/Gluck/Offenbach
Pasinger Fabrik August-Exter-Str. 1, Munich, GermanySpecial Guest – MAHA WOMAN PODCAST
Bucharest , RomaniaWith host, Giulia Nahmany (actress, producer, entrepreneur)
Marie – Die Verkaufte Braut (The Bartered Bride), B. Smetana
Stadthalle Germering Germering, GermanyI'm so thrilled to be back on the operatic stage, as Marie (the bartered bride) in this new production with Freies Landestheater Bayern!
Marie – Die Verkaufte Braut (The Bartered Bride), B. Smetana
Waitzinger Keller Am Hochwald 1, Miesbach, GermanyI'm so thrilled to be back on the operatic stage, as Marie (the bartered bride) in this new production with Freies Landestheater Bayern!
Sand- u. Taumännchen – Hänsel und Gretel, E. Humperdinck
Bürgerhaus Garching GarchingSand- u. Taumännchen – Hänsel und Gretel, E. Humperdinck
Wolf-Ferrari Haus, Ottobrunn OttobrunnSand- u. Taumännchen – Hänsel und Gretel, E. Humperdinck
Waitzinger Keller Am Hochwald 1, Miesbach, GermanySand- u. Taumännchen – Hänsel und Gretel, E. Humperdinck
Hegelsaal StuttgartMarie – Die Verkaufte Braut (The Bartered Bride), B. Smetana
Bürgerhaus, Unterschleißheim UnterschleißheimI'm so thrilled to be back on the operatic stage, as Marie (the bartered bride) in this new production with Freies Landestheater Bayern!